
  • Investigating
    Climate Change’s
    Impact on
    Arctic Caribou
  • ‘Eye-Opening' Study
    Sheds Light on
    Circadian Pacemaker
  • Genetic Mutation
    Prompts ‘Deadbeat Dad’
    Fish to Start
    Raising Their Offspring

Department of Biology faculty members advise students in many interdisciplinary graduate programs, including:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
  • Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences
  • Biophysics
  • Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation

Learn More

The Department of Biology offers three interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science programs:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Neuroscience
  • Environmental Science and Policy

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Ask a Fish: How Well Can Cichlids See Color?
Ask a Fish: How Well Can Cichlids See Color?
UMD biologists have trained African cichlids, originally from Lake Malawi, to perform behavioral experiments to find the answer to this and other questions.
