BSCI330 Cell Biology and Physiology Lab
BSCI451 Mammalian Systems Physiology Laboratory
Research Interest
I am interested in the evolution of growth and development. My latest work is focused on hypoxia and embryonic hematopoiesis in cave- and surface fish of the species Astyanax mexicanus. Previous work was centered around the cellular and molecular mechanisms of development during spermiogenesis in the waterfern Marsilea vestita, mostly involving RNA binding proteins and RNA localization. My start in science was in plant sciences, looking at growth and development of roots in relation to the environment.
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001
M.Sc., Biology, Universiteit Utrecht, 1995
B.Sc., Botany, Internationale Hogeschool Larenstein-Wageningen, 1992