Biological Sciences: Ecology and Evolution Specialization Resources


ECEV Community on ELMS - online discussion, resources, and notifications

  • The ECEV Community space on ELMS provides helpful resources and notifications and is a great way for students with interests in ecology and evolution to connect with one another. Through the site, students can participate in online discussions, have access to a range of resources, and receive notifications about relevant seminars, courses, and other information of potential interest such as research opportunities and job offerings. It is an optional, non-term space on ELMS that is available to ECEV majors as well as other students with interests in this area. If you would like to be added to this ELMS space, please email us (please include "ECEV" somewhere in the subject heading). 

Research Opportunities, Internships, & Scholarships


Interested in going to graduate school?

  • Students graduating with an Ecology and Evolution specialization often consider graduate school. If this is the case for you, given the breadth and expertise in ecology and evolution on campus you're in an excellent place to get advice and input! We strongly recommend that you take advantage of the many people here who can provide perspective and advice on graduate school in these areas. Talk with the Ecology and Evolution advisor (Sara Lombardi) and/or reach out to a graduate student or faculty member in the BEES graduate program who is working in an area of interest to you to get their perspectives.
  • An excellent way to develop skills relevant to graduate school, and to strengthen your eventual graduate school applications, is to do an Honors research thesis. Consider applying to the Biology Honors Program
  • Some general advice and answers to common questions about going to graduate school in the biological sciences are available on the Biology Honors Program webpage on Considering Graduate School in the Biological Sciences.