Congratulations to biology postdoc Dawei "David" Han and Distinguished University Professor Catherine Carr on their new paper published today in Current Biology
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
What Makes a Bird a Bird?

Biological sciences Ph.D. candidate Shauna Rasband investigates how a group of birds called passerines “won” at evolution.

Faculty Honors & Awards

We proudly recognize faculty members in the Department of Biology who recently garnered major honors and awards.

From Aardvarks to Zebras—and Everything In-Between

David Powell’s (Ph.D. ’00, zoology) fascination with animals big and small inspired his career as a leader in zoo biology and animal welfare.

Discussion Coordinator - BSCI222
Post-BACC TA - BSCI450 (Mammalian Physiology)
Postdoctoral Associate
Robert "Bob" Infantino Awarded 2024 President's Medal

From elevating UMD on the global stage to supporting more than 20% of the undergraduate majors on campus, Infantino has been an energetic and innovative campus leader at the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) for three decades. 

William J. Higgins Assistant Professor of Biology
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