Graduate Program Affiliations
- BISI - BISI-Behavior, Ecology, Evolution, & Systematics (BEES)
Research Interests
Dr. Reaka and her laboratory have focused on biodiversity and extinction on coral reefs and in fossil and contemporary Crustacea, with applications to conservation and management of marine environments. Some of this work culminated in a book, Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting Our Natural Resources, which was co-edited with D. E. Wilson and E. O. Wilson and published by the National Academy of Science's Joseph Henry Press. Her recent research has included the biodiversity, biogeography and phylogeny of stomatopod Crustacea in the Gulf of Mexico and the Indo-West Pacific.
Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 1975. Coral reef ecology; ecology and behavior of mantis shrimp; evolutionary ecology of life-history patterns in Crustacea.
Select Publications
Lauer, D. A., and M. L. Reaka. 2022. Depth distributions of benthic and pelagic species highlight the potential of mesophotic and deep habitats to serve as marine refugia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 700:39-32. https//doi.org/10.3354/meps14180
Reaka, M.L., N. Sealover, R.F. Semmler, and S.G. Villalobos. 2016. A quantitative study of the biodiversity of coral and other groups of organisms in the mesophotic zone compared to shallower depths in the Gulf of Mexico, USA, pp. 61-62. In: Baker, E.K., K.A. Puglise, and P.T. Harris (Eds.). Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems – A lifeboat for coral reefs? The United Nations Environment Programme and GRID-Arendal, Nairobi and Arendal, http://www.grida.no/publications/mesophotic-coral-ecosystems/
Sinniger, F., D.L. Ballantine, I. Bejarano, P.L. Colin, X. Pochon, S.A. Pomponi, K.A. Puglise, R.L. Pyle, M.L. Reaka, H.L. Spalding, and E. Weil. 2016. Biodiversity of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems, pp. 50-62. In: Baker, E.K., K.A. Puglise, and P.T. Harris (Eds.). Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems – A lifeboat for coral reefs? The United Nations Environment Programme and GRID-Arendal, Nairobi and Arendal,
Reaka, M.L., and S. A. Lombardi. 2011. Hotspots on global coral reefs. In: Zachos, F.E., and J.C. Habel (eds.), Biodiversity Hotspots, pp. 471-502. Springer-Verlag, N.Y.
Rodgers, P. J., M. L. Reaka, and A. H. Hines. 2011. A comparative analysis of sperm storage and mating strategies in five species of brachyuran crabs. Marine Biology 158: 1733-1742.
Reaka, M. L., P. J. Rodgers, and A. U. Kudla. 2008. Patterns of biodiversity and endemism on Indo-West Pacific coral reefs.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 11474-11481.
Reaka, M. L., P.J. Rodgers and A. U Kudla. 2008. Causes of biodiversity gradients: Speciation/extinction dynamics on Indo-West Pacific coral reefs. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium.
Reaka-Kudla, M. L., D. K. Camp, F. Alvarez Noguera, A. G. Garcia, M. Ortiz, and A. R. Vasquez-Bader. 2008. Stomatopod Crustacea from the Gulf of Mexico. In: Felder, D. L., and D. K. Camp (eds.), The Gulf of Mexico: Its Origins, Waters, and Biota. Texas A & M University Press, College Station.
Reaka-Kudla, M. L. 2005. Biodiversity of Caribbean coral reefs. In: Miloslavich, P., and E. Klein (eds.), Caribbean Marine Biodiversity, pp. 259-276. DesTech Publishers, Lancaster, PA.
Reaka-Kudla, M. L. 2002. Habitat specialization in Crustacea and its relation to conservation policy. In: Escobar-Briones, E., and F. Alvarez (eds.), Modern Approaches to the Study of Crustacea, pp. 211-221. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, N. Y.
Reaka-Kudla, M. L. 2001. Coral reefs: Biodiversity and conservation. In: H. M. Hernandez, A. N. Garcia Aldrete, F. Alvarez, and M. Ulloa (eds.), Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Biodiversity, Instituto de Biodiversity, pp. 221-243. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City. (translated into Spanish).
Reaka-Kudla, M. L. 2001. Known and unknown biodiversity, risk of extinction, and conservation strategy in the sea. In: Bendell-Young, L., and P. Gallaugher (eds.), Global Waters in Peril, pp. 19-33. Kluwer Academic Publishers, N.Y.
Reaka-Kudla, M. L. 2000. The evolution of endemism in insular faunas: Stomatopod Crustacea. Journal of Crustacean Biology 20: 56-70.
Carlton, J. T., J. B. Geller, M. L. Reaka-Kudla, and E. A. Norse. 1999. Historical extinction in the sea. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 30: 515-538.
Reaka-Kudla, M. L. 1997. The global biodiversity of coral reefs: A comparison with rainforests. In: Reaka-Kudla, M. L., D. E. Wilson, and E. O. Wilson (eds.), Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting Our Natural Resources, pp. 83-108. Joseph Henry/National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
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