Profile photo of Carlos Machado
Contact Info
Phone: 301.405.9447
Fax: 301.314.9358
Office Address: 2121 Bioscience Research Bldg
Carlos Machado

Graduate Program Affiliations

  • BISI-Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & Genomics (CBBG)
  • BISI-Behavior, Ecology, Evolution, & Systematics (BEES)

Research Interests

Work in our lab is centered on understanding the processes and mechanisms that have led to the evolution of new species and to the generation of genetic diversity in two study systems: species of the Drosophila pseudoobscura group, and the fig/fig-wasp mutualism. Common problems that we have been addressing in the two research systems are: What are the roles played by hybridization and introgression during the evolution of new species? What are the consequences of those processes on genetic variation at a genomic scale? Additional studies we are conducting with Drosophila are focused on using whole-genome expression arrays to identify genetic changes underlying phenotypic differences between closely related species, including genetic changes involved in regulatory hybrid dysfunction (gene expression changes affecting fertility or viability). Additional studies in the fig/fig-wasp mutualism are centered on understanding the causes and consequences of incongruent cophylogenetic patterns of divergence of closely related Neotropical figs and their pollinators, studying the geographical context of species diversification in the mutualism, and studying the population genetic consequences of evolution in subdivided populations. We use a combination of genomic, population genetic, and phylogenetic approaches to address all those questions. In addition to our main work on those two systems, we have returned to our previous work on the evolution of the human parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.


Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 1998. Evolutionary genetics and genomics, the process of species divergence, plant-insect coevolution.

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Latest Publications via PubMed

Markowitz LM,Nearman A,Zhao Z,Boncristiani D,Butenko A,de Pablos LM,Marin A,Xu G,Machado CA,Schwarz RS,Palmer-Young EC,Evans JD
G3 (Bethesda). 2025 Jan 8;15(1):. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkae258. Epub
Carpinteyro-Ponce J,Machado CA
Genome Biol Evol. 2024 Mar 2;16(3):. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evae047. Epub
Feitosa ADM,Barroso WKS,Mion Junior D,Nobre F,Mota-Gomes MA,Jardim PCBV,Amodeo C,Oliveira AC,Alessi A,Sousa ALL,Brandão AA,Pio-Abreu A,Sposito AC,Pierin AMG,Paiva AMG,Spinelli ACS,Machado CA,Poli-de-Figueiredo CE,Rodrigues CIS,Forjaz CLM,Sampaio DPS,Barbosa ECD,Freitas EV,Cestario EDES,Muxfeldt ES,Lima Júnior E,Campana EMG,Feitosa FGAM,Consolim-Colombo FM,Almeida FA,Silva GVD,Moreno Júnior H,Finimundi HC,Guimarães ICB,Gemelli JR,Barreto-Filho JAS,Vilela-Martin JF,Ribeiro JM,Yugar-Toledo JC,Magalhães LBNC,Drager LF,Bortolotto LA,Alves MAM,Malachias MVB,Neves MFT,Santos MC,Dinamarco N,Moreira Filho O,Passarelli Júnior O,Vitorino PVO,Miranda RD,Bezerra R,Pedrosa RP,Paula RB,Okawa RTP,Póvoa RMDS,Fuchs SC,Lima SG,Inuzuka S,Ferreira-Filho SR,Fillho SHP,Jardim TSV,Guimarães Neto VDS,Koch VHK,Gusmão WDP,Oigman W,Nadruz Junior W
Arq Bras Cardiol. 2024 Feb;121(4):e20240113. doi: 10.36660/abc.20240113. Epub
Oldenbeuving A,Gómez-Zúniga A,Florez-Buitrago X,Gutiérrez-Zuluaga AM,Machado CA,Van Dooren TJM,van Alphen J,Biesmeijer JC,Herre EA
Ecol Evol. 2023 Sep;13(9):e10501. doi: 10.1002/ece3.10501. Epub 2023 Sep 11
Satler JD,Herre EA,Heath TA,Machado CA,Gómez Zúñiga A,Jandér KC,Eaton DAR,Nason JD
Ecol Evol. 2023 Jan;13(1):e9673. doi: 10.1002/ece3.9673. Epub 2023 Jan 18
Flores-López CA,Mitchell EA,Reisenman CE,Sarkar S,Williamson PC,Machado CA
Infect Genet Evol. 2022 Apr;99:105251. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2022.105251. Epub 2022 Feb 17
Satler JD,Herre EA,Heath TA,Machado CA,Zúñiga AG,Nason JD
Mol Ecol. 2022 Apr;31(7):2106-2123. doi: 10.1111/mec.16373. Epub 2022 Feb 7
Barroso WKS,Feitosa ADM,Barbosa ECD,Brandão AA,Miranda RD,Vitorino PVO,Machado CA,Braga AA,Ribeiro LPS,Mota-Gomes MA
Arq Bras Cardiol. 2021 Sep;117(3):520-527. doi: 10.36660/abc.20200073. Epub
Korunes KL,Machado CA,Noor MAF
Evolution. 2021 Jul;75(7):1820-1834. doi: 10.1111/evo.14278. Epub 2021 Jun 19
Wang R,Yang Y,Jing Y,Segar ST,Zhang Y,Wang G,Chen J,Liu QF,Chen S,Chen Y,Cruaud A,Ding YY,Dunn DW,Gao Q,Gilmartin PM,Jiang K,Kjellberg F,Li HQ,Li YY,Liu JQ,Liu M,Machado CA,Ming R,Rasplus JY,Tong X,Wen P,Yang HM,Yang JJ,Yin Y,Zhang XT,Zhang YY,Yu H,Yue Z,Compton SG,Chen XY
Nat Ecol Evol. 2021 Jul;5(7):974-986. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01469-1. Epub 2021 May 17
Barroso WKS,Rodrigues CIS,Bortolotto LA,Mota-Gomes MA,Brandão AA,Feitosa ADM,Machado CA,Poli-de-Figueiredo CE,Amodeo C,Mion Júnior D,Barbosa ECD,Nobre F,Guimarães ICB,Vilela-Martin JF,Yugar-Toledo JC,Magalhães MEC,Neves MFT,Jardim PCBV,Miranda RD,Póvoa RMDS,Fuchs SC,Alessi A,Lucena AJG,Avezum A,Sousa ALL,Pio-Abreu A,Sposito AC,Pierin AMG,Paiva AMG,Spinelli ACS,Nogueira ADR,Dinamarco N,Eibel B,Forjaz CLM,Zanini CRO,Souza CB,Souza DDSM,Nilson EAF,Costa EFA,Freitas EV,Duarte EDR,Muxfeldt ES,Lima Júnior E,Campana EMG,Cesarino EJ,Marques F,Argenta F,Consolim-Colombo FM,Baptista FS,Almeida FA,Borelli FAO,Fuchs FD,Plavnik FL,Salles GF,Feitosa GS,Silva GVD,Guerra GM,Moreno Júnior H,Finimundi HC,Back IC,Oliveira Filho JB,Gemelli JR,Mill JG,Ribeiro JM,Lotaif LAD,Costa LSD,Magalhães LBNC,Drager LF,Martin LC,Scala LCN,Almeida MQ,Gowdak MMG,Klein MRST,Malachias MVB,Kuschnir MCC,Pinheiro ME,Borba MHE,Moreira Filho O,Passarelli Júnior O,Coelho OR,Vitorino PVO,Ribeiro Junior RM,Esporcatte R,Franco R,Pedrosa R,Mulinari RA,Paula RB,Okawa RTP,Rosa RF,Amaral SLD,Ferreira-Filho SR,Kaiser SE,Jardim TSV,Guimarães V,Koch VH,Oigman W,Nadruz W
Arq Bras Cardiol. 2021 Mar;116(3):516-658. doi: 10.36660/abc.20201238. Epub
Wang G,Zhang X,Herre EA,McKey D,Machado CA,Yu WB,Cannon CH,Arnold ML,Pereira RAS,Ming R,Liu YF,Wang Y,Ma D,Chen J
Nat Commun. 2021 Feb 2;12(1):718. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-20957-3. Epub 2021 Feb 2
Précoma DB,Oliveira GMM,Simão AF,Dutra OP,Coelho OR,Izar MCO,Póvoa RMDS,Giuliano ICB,Alencar Filho AC,Machado CA,Scherr C,Fonseca FAH,Santos Filho RDD,Carvalho T,Avezum Á Jr,Esporcatte R,Nascimento BR,Brasil DP,Soares GP,Villela PB,Ferreira RM,Martins WA,Sposito AC,Halpern B,Saraiva JFK,Carvalho LSF,Tambascia MA,Coelho-Filho OR,Bertolami A,Correa Filho H,Xavier HT,Faria-Neto JR,Bertolami MC,Giraldez VZR,Brandão AA,Feitosa ADM,Amodeo C,Souza DDSM,Barbosa ECD,Malachias MVB,Souza WKSB,Costa FAAD,Rivera IR,Pellanda LC,Silva MAMD,Achutti AC,Langowiski AR,Lantieri CJB,Scholz JR,Ismael SMC,Ayoub JCA,Scala LCN,Neves MF,Jardim PCBV,Fuchs SCPC,Jardim TSV,Moriguchi EH,Schneider JC,Assad MHV,Kaiser SE,Lottenberg AM,Magnoni CD,Miname MH,Lara RS,Herdy AH,Araújo CGS,Milani M,Silva MMFD,Stein R,Lucchese FA,Nobre F,Griz HB,Magalhães LBNC,Borba MHE,Pontes MRN,Mourilhe-Rocha R
Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019 Nov 4;113(4):787-891. doi: 10.5935/abc.20190204. Epub 2019 Nov 4
Satler JD,Herre EA,Jandér KC,Eaton DAR,Machado CA,Heath TA,Nason JD
Evolution. 2019 Nov;73(11):2295-2311. doi: 10.1111/evo.13809. Epub 2019 Aug 8
Stein JC,Yu Y,Copetti D,Zwickl DJ,Zhang L,Zhang C,Chougule K,Gao D,Iwata A,Goicoechea JL,Wei S,Wang J,Liao Y,Wang M,Jacquemin J,Becker C,Kudrna D,Zhang J,Londono CEM,Song X,Lee S,Sanchez P,Zuccolo A,Ammiraju JSS,Talag J,Danowitz A,Rivera LF,Gschwend AR,Noutsos C,Wu CC,Kao SM,Zeng JW,Wei FJ,Zhao Q,Feng Q,El Baidouri M,Carpentier MC,Lasserre E,Cooke R,da Rosa Farias D,da Maia LC,Dos Santos RS,Nyberg KG,McNally KL,Mauleon R,Alexandrov N,Schmutz J,Flowers D,Fan C,Weigel D,Jena KK,Wicker T,Chen M,Han B,Henry R,Hsing YC,Kurata N,de Oliveira AC,Panaud O,Jackson SA,Machado CA,Sanderson MJ,Long M,Ware D,Wing RA
Nat Genet. 2018 Nov;50(11):1618. doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0261-2. Epub
Krieger EM,Drager LF,Giorgi DMA,Pereira AC,Barreto-Filho JAS,Nogueira AR,Mill JG,Lotufo PA,Amodeo C,Batista MC,Bodanese LC,Carvalho ACC,Castro I,Chaves H,Costa EAS,Feitosa GS,Franco RJS,Fuchs FD,Guimarães AC,Jardim PC,Machado CA,Magalhães ME,Mion D Jr,Nascimento RM,Nobre F,Nóbrega AC,Ribeiro ALP,Rodrigues-Sobrinho CR,Sanjuliani AF,Teixeira MDCB,Krieger JE,ReHOT Investigators
Hypertension. 2018 Apr;71(4):681-690. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.10662. Epub 2018 Feb 20